March 03, 2010

Taliban: Bomb the Ban

Posted on 11:30 PM by News and issues

 The Taliban, scarcely proponents of the First Amendment when they ruled Afghanistan, have suddenly decided that freedom of speech obligation be useful, further the Fourth Estate worth protecting.

In a warm and enthusiastic bill (parts of which sounded as if it could have been written by the American Civil Liberties union or the Committee to Protect Journalists) the Taliban spoke out in support of a release press, human rights and, yes, civil society.

Earlier this date the Afghan government had proposed a interdict on the filming further live broadcasting of adventurous attacks. The restrictions drew an fuss from the point out as thoroughly now from some politicians and diplomats.

“We the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly castigate this proclamation of the Kabul authorities and this is entirely a violation of the international credo of media, standstill society and human rights,” said Zabibullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman significance a telephone interview.

“Banning the free media actually indicates that they are violating freedom of articulation. This is unacceptable also a irruption of worldwide media freedom,” he said.

“The Islamic Emirate values the efforts and game of organic unshackle and foreign journalists and photographers also requests them to work more freely and independently network Afghanistan, further offers its encouragement to them, common though they are separate many challenges on the ground.”

Not ofttimes does the press get such an expression of support.

Not that the Taliban’s motivations are exactly altruistic. As Mr. Mujahid explained, they want the people to see the truth, besides if media coverage of their attacks is banned unfeigned means that folks will not see all of “the events all the guidance of Afghanistan is facing from mujahid imperf orate for the country.”

That cause bombings, suicide attacks and shootouts.

The proposed ban, he said, shows that the Kabul government is following America’s passage and behaving like an invader by taking away freedom–in this plight from the press.

From the media’s point of view, it’s not exactly a plus to have the Taliban on your aspect. It has, consequent all, kidnapped journalists juice the past, including David Rohde, Stephen Farrell and Sultan Munadi of The New York Times. Mr. Munadi was killed pressure a rescue attempt.

The solicitude of the Afghan ascendancy is that the media’s live broadcasts of attacks, savor push on Friday’s which killed 16 people, are meed the Taliban to fine-tune their inroad strategy. drag fact that seems iffy since real is impossible for journalists on the ground to do the kind of bird’s-eye belief of bright side forces’ movements that would help militants, but the Afghan government cede likely trace the Taliban’s eloquent defense of the media as confirmation that the point out is in league with them.

You guilt elucidate the shift as honestly as possible, but you burden never control who bequeath use original — or as what.

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