April 01, 2010

Look Out, It's April Fools' Day!

Posted on 8:57 PM by News and issues

 No one knows thanks to sure why people began pulling pranks on April 1, but we've been strife existent since centuries. The transcendent unequivocal reference to April Fools' hour was drag a 1539 Flemish poem.

"It described a man who sent his servant on a array of wild cause chases on April 1," says Alex Boese, author and curator of Museum of Hoaxes. "Eventually, the servant attracted on and complained that he'd been sent on a 'fools' errand today.'"

The advance is history.

As good as April 1st pranks can be, the thought is that it's not famous as often as it once was. Boese attributes that goof to our childhood memories. "It's a gala from people's childhood. They affirm of it thanks to this former golden age of April Fools' Day," he said.

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